联系我们: 86-755-27348401


25 2014





新规定在2013年12月2日开始实施,在2014年2月3日之后入境的宠物正式生效。 其中澳洲对宠物入境的最重要的规定更新主要是下面几点:



3、不认可国家中转第三地解除居住限制。新规定对中转第三滴没有居住时间要求,之前要求必须居住满6个月。这一点其实意义不大,因为宠物经第三滴需要满足新规定的血清检测要求,也就是必须昨晚血清检测之后6个月方能前往,因此跟之前是没有区别的。 其他更新主要体现在宠物第二次血清检测的时候,把出发钱的血清检测时间做了更宽泛的要求,在下面的列表中,我们对更新的内容做了详细的说明(内容来自DAFF官方网站)。

Requirement list

Old requirements

New requirements

Post-entry Quarantine period Between 30 and 120 days Minimum 10 days
Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre Test (RNATT)*Category 3 country only Blood sample taken between 60 days and 12 months prior to export Blood sample taken between 180 days and 24 months prior to export
Rabies vaccination*Category 3 country only Administered within 1 year prior to export Valid at time of RNAT test and at time of export (varies according to vaccine)
Residency Category 1: 90 day residency Category 2, 3, 4 & 5: 6 month residency Category 1 & 3: No residency requirement Category 2: Only visited rabies free countries in the 6 months prior to export, or rabies preparation is required before visit
Approved category listing 5 category system for approved countries 3 category system for approved countries (former category 4 & 5, now category 3; former category 2 & 3, now category 2; former category 1 retained as category 1)
Non-approved countries Must be resident in an approved country for 6 months Must be exported from an approved country and meet all the import conditions from that country
Brucellosis Dogs: Blood sample taken within 30 days prior to export Breeding dogs: Blood sample taken within 45 days prior to export Desexed dogs: Evidence of desexing
Ehrlichia Dogs: Blood sample taken within 30 days prior to export; external parasite treatment to commence on day of sampling Dogs: External parasite treatment to commence at least 21 days prior to blood sampling; blood sample taken within 21 days prior to export
Leptospirosis Dogs: Blood sample taken within 30 days prior to export Dogs: Blood sample taken within 45 days prior to export OR vaccination administered between 12 months and 14 days prior to export
Leishmaniosis Dogs: Blood sample taken within 30 days prior to export Dogs: Blood sample taken within 45 days prior to export
External parasite treatment Dogs: Treated at time of blood sampling for Ehrlichia; maintained until the date of export and repeated within 4 days prior to export Cats: Treated within 4 days prior to export Dogs: Treated at least 21 days before blood sampling for Ehrlichia and maintained until day of export Cats: Treated at least 21 days before export and maintained until day of export
Internal parasite treatment One treatment within 4 days prior to export Two treatments given within 45 days prior to export, at least 14 days apart, with the final treatment given within 5 days prior to export.
Nipah virus Blood sample taken within 45 days prior to export. No test required
Final examination Within 4 days prior to export Within 5 days prior to export
Export Certification Health certificate required the approved veterinarian to sign “Health Certificate A” and the Official Government Veterinarian to sign “Health Certificate B” The health certificate has been collapsed into a single two page document that is required to be signed by the Official Government Veterinarian.
Seals on crates Seals required to be applied to all crates prior to export Seals are not required on crates of animals that have been rabies blood tested
Pre-export quarantine (South Africa only) Dogs and cats required to complete quarantine in their originating country as well as Australia Pre-export quarantine is not required






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